Be One With The Water

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. One does not need to be in sitting in a meditative pose in order to be experiencing a meditative state. Any form of repetitive movements can be meditative. Swimming is one of those kinds of repetitive motion that allows you to focus on your breath.

As you breathe in and out, notice how your body glides through the water. Water is one of many healing elements in our world. It replenishes our body and supports our weight. When we are in water, the only barrier we have between the fluid inside and the fluid outside is the skin. Allow yourself to feel the soft cradling of the water and the refreshing temperature on your skin. See if you can let your thoughts come and go with each in breath and out breath.

When you get caught up in thoughts or feelings, do not worry, just bring your focus back to the breath, to the movement of your body, and to the water touching your skin. When you find that synchronicity of breath and movement, your thoughts and feelings may fade away into the background, and you are being one with the water. Even for a brief moment.

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Contact Information

Wai Wong-Miller MA, LMHC

Seattle, Washington.
Phone: 206-790-4888 Fax: 206-582-0866